Ricks Beading Loom Unassembled

$79.88 $100.00

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Ricks bead loom kit makes bead weaving a cinch!

Design necklaces, bracelets, belts, headbands and more with glass beads. Create intricate patterns and colourful textures with this easy-to-use loom!

Set 40 warps in less then 5 minutes

Adjustable project length from 2 to 12 inches

Works with virtually any size bead

Kit Includes:

Beading Loom Wooden 

Illustrated Instructions

Three Warp Rods

Four Warp Pegs

Warp Separator Card

Video Demonstration https://www.beadsmith.com/rvloom/

The Ricks Bead­ing Loom comes fully assem­bled with three warp rods  (one is a spare), four warp pegs (one is a spare), a warp sep­a­ra­tor card and easy-to-follow step-by-step instruc­tions fully illus­trated in color to get you started.
Sturdy hard­wood con­struc­tion for a life­time of bead­ing. The ergonomic design lets you to bead at a com­fort­able, nat­ural angle and lessens strain on your wrists. Fully adjustable from two to twelve inches in length — this allows you to make a vari­ety of projects of nearly any size.
A per­fect fin­ish every time!  You’re left with only TWO WARP THREADS to weave back in after you com­plete your project.

The same project woven on an ordi­nary loom (left) leaves you with lots of messy warp threads to weave back in.  With The Ricks Bead­ing Loom, you never have more than two warp threads left to deal with (as seen on the right).

You can use any size or shape bead with­out any adap­ters –  even mix bead sizes and types in the same project. Cre­ate jew­el­ery and wear­able art impos­si­ble to make on other looms. You can loom with Japan­ese cylin­der beads, seed beads of any size (and mix sizes if you wish). You can loom with two-hole flat beads, bi-cone or fire pol­ished crys­tals. All with­out mak­ing any changes or installing any adap­tors on your loom.
You’re finally free to cre­ate, to do what the artist inside of you dictates.
NOTE: Some minor assembly required CAUTION: Contains small parts. Not intended for the creation of children's jewelry or for use by children under the age of 13.